Learn how to:
- Show or Hide a Ceiling
- Change the Wall Height for a Level
- Add Paint and Other Materials to a Ceiling
- Remove Paint and Other Materials from a Ceiling
Show or Hide a Ceiling
- In the RoomSketcher App, open Walls, Windows, or Materials mode.
- Click the room that contains the ceiling you want to work on, to open its Properties Pane on the right.
- Click Advanced Properties.
- Toggle Show Ceiling ON (white button to the right) or OFF (white button to the left) depending on whether you want to display or hide the ceiling for this room.
Change the Wall Height for a Level
- Click the Levels button on the top toolbar, and click Level Properties.
- The Level Properties Pane appears on the right. In Wall Height, type the new height for the level.
Add Paint and Other Materials to a Ceiling
- Open Walls, Windows, or Materials mode.
- Click the room that contains the ceiling you want to work on, to open its Properties Pane on the right, and click Ceiling Material.
- The Select Material page appears.
You can:
- Scroll through the materials.
- Use the Search box to search for a type of material (such as paint, stone, or panel) and then click to select one.
- Click the Paint Palette to set a custom color.
You can:
- Type a Hex code or an RGB code, or
- Click on the color wheel to select a color.
Tip: You can adjust the shade (light or dark) of the color using the slider bar underneath the color wheel. - Click Apply.
Tip: To view your ceiling material, use the camera to take a snapshot.
Remove or Delete Paint or Materials from a Ceiling
- Open Walls, Windows, or Materials mode.
- Click the room that contains the ceiling you want to work on, to open its Properties Pane on the right.
- Click Ceiling Material to open the Select Material page, and then click Clear.
Don't Have the App Yet?
Make sure you have downloaded the RoomSketcher App to your computer or tablet.