In the RoomSketcher App, you can add numerous help elements to your floor plan, such as an entrance arrow, text, or a compass. This can be very helpful when planning a move or home improvements. | |
Annotations and Text Labels
Just follow the steps described in this video to add annotations to your floor plan design:
Helper Symbols such as Compasses or Entrance Arrows
To add helper symbols to a floor plan, follow these steps:
- Once you have drawn your project, switch to Windows etc. mode.
- Open the Symbols, Text & Lines category, or click Search and type Helpers.
Here are some of your options :
- Text Labels to add custom text
- Tape Measures and arrows to indicate distances
- Compasses to indicate North, South, East, and West
- Dotted Lines to show ceiling detail
- Entrance Arrows to highlight a building entrance
- Measuring Tape to show a scale bar for the the floor plan
- Click or tap a helper to select it, and click to place it on the drawing pane.
- With the helper selected, its Properties appear on the right. Make any desired customization.
- Under Properties, you also decide if the helper symbol should be displayed on your 2D Floor Plan or 3D Floor Plan or both.
Tip: RoomSketcher Pro Subscribers have additional customization options in Profile Settings, please see below.
- Save your project.
- To see a preview, click Menu and then Preview your 2D or 3D Floor Plan.
- When you are ready, generate your floor plans. If you need detailed instructions on how to do this, see Generate 2D and 3D Floor Plans.
Colored Lines, Arrows, and Text
With a Pro or Team subscription, you can change the color of your text, lines, arrows, and more.
Read more about color options here: