2D Floor Plans – With a Colored Background

You can set a colored background to appear behind a 2D Floor Plan. When you generate the floor plan, it will appear on top with the background behind it, like a colored piece of paper. Available for Pro and Team.


If you set the floor color as transparent, the background color you have set will show through the floor plan, like this:



Example – Colored Background

In this example, the background color is a tan hex code color, and the wall color is set to navy.


To set a colored background:

  1. Draw up your floor plan in the RoomSketcher App. 
  2. In your RoomSketcher Account on the web, open Account Profile Settings.
  3. Click the 2D Floor Plans tab.
  4. Set the Background Color and any other colors. Here are the settings we used for this example. 


    On the 2D Floor Plans tab, click Apply.
  5. In the RoomSketcher App, Preview or Generate your 2D Floor Plan. 

Tip: To learn more about the hex codes, see About the Hex Codes below.


Example – Colored Background With A Transparent Floor Plan

In this example, the background color is light blue hex code color, and the wall color is set to black.


To set a colored background with a transparent floor plan:

  1. Draw up your floor plan in the RoomSketcher App. 
  2. In your RoomSketcher Account on the web, open Account Profile Settings.
  3. Click the 2D Floor Plans tab.
  4. Set the Background Color and the Wall Color.
  5. Click the pencil to the right of Floor Color, click Transparent, and click OK.
  6. Here are the settings we used for this example. 


  7. On the 2D Floor Plans tab, click Apply
  8. In the RoomSketcher App, Preview or Generate your 2D Floor Plan.

Tip: To learn more about transparency, see 2D Floor Plans with Transparent Background.

More Examples and Their Corresponding Settings

Here's another example of a floor plan with a background. In this example, the background and furniture outline color are the same. The settings we used on the 2D Floor Plans tab are shown below. 

Floor_Plans_Blue_-_Level_1_-_2D_Floor_Plan.jpg mceclip0.png



About the Hex Codes

You can find the 6 digit hex code for any color by searching on the web. For example, "tan hex codes".

Once you've typed a hex code in the color box and clicked OK, its hex code appears on the 2D Floor Plans tab.


The hex code may have two additional digits at the end - In the example above, the 6 digit hex code DEB887 has FF at the end.  Every item that has a transparent option, will have an extra 2 digits, FF or 00.

  • FF = transparent is OFF
  • 00 = transparent is ON.

Tip: To have a “fallback” color, i.e. when you download a file (jpg or PDF) which doesn’t support transparency, add a color to background.

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