Change the Material or Color on Kitchen Cabinets and Countertops

RoomSketcher subscribers with a paid plan can change the color or material on individual kitchen cabinets, or can set one consistent color for all of the cabinets on a particular floor or level. 

Learn how to:

Change the Color or Material on Individual Kitchen Cabinets and Appliances


You can set different colors and materials for your kitchen cabinets. In the example above, the upper cabinets are a different color from the lower cabinets, and the appliances have been set to a copper material.

Pro and Team subscribers have access to all items, i.e. Shaker, Flat, and Glass cabinet styles.

To set individual colors:

  1. In Furniture mode, open the Kitchen category. You can change colors on the items that have the rainbow-colored Replace Materials icon. 

    kitchen base cabinets.jpg

  2. Simply add an item onto your design, and click to select it. On the right, under Replace Materials, you will see the options for that item. 

    kitchen replace materials.jpg

Tip: The colors will not appear in Drawing mode, but will appear when you take a snapshot.
To learn more, see Replace Materials on Furniture and Fixtures.


Set Consistent Colors for Cabinets or Counters

white kitchen.jpg

If you want your kitchen countertops and kitchen cabinets to be a consistent material across all items, we have a centralized option that can be set for each level in your project.

Open Level Properties

  1. Open a kitchen project that you are working on in the RoomSketcher App.
  2. Click Levels (in the top toolbar) and then Level Properties.

Change the Kitchen Countertops

  1. To change the countertops, click Kitchen Top for Level.

  2. The Select Material page appears.

    kitchen top material.jpg

    You can:
    - Browse for materials using the scroll bar
    - Search for materials, such as Tile, Marble, or Paint.
    - Or, click the Paint Palette to open this page:

    You can:
    -  Type a HEX or RGB code for a custom color.
    - Or, click the color wheel to select a color, and adjust the darkness using the slider bar.
  3. When you are done, click Apply.

Change the Kitchen Cabinets

  1. From the Level Properties, click Kitchen Front for Level. The Select Material page appears, and you can browse, search, or type a custom color as described above.
  2. When you are done, click Apply to return to the RoomSketcher drawing pane.
    Note: The change to the kitchen material or color is not visible in the RoomSketcher App, but will be visible in snapshots, 3D Photos and 3D Floor Plans.

Tip: See your changes instantly, simply click in the top toolbar.  


Kitchen Examples in the Floor Plan Gallery

Check out our Floor Plan Gallery where we have many examples of beautiful kitchens. You can open all projects in the RoomSketcher App, save a copy and make your own edits.

Floor Plan Gallery | Kitchen


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