Download and Print Options

With RoomSketcher you can download and print your floor plans in various formats and sizes. This video takes you through the steps.

Find out more about the various options for both Web Account and the RoomSketcher App:

Formats to Download and Print

RoomSketcher offers a wide variety of options for downloading and printing your floor plans. Learn more below. 


Choose a Letterhead format if you want to export a printable floor plan with optional logo, disclaimer text etc. The file format for the letterhead is PDF or JPG. When you are working on a tablet, the file format for the letterhead is image.

3D Brand and Colors.jpg

 Read more about Letterhead options and how to set it up here.

Letterhead options: 

  • Letterhead: Standard - The floor plan is downloaded on a letterhead, in no specific scale. 
  • Letterhead: Keep Relative Size - available for multi-level projects; the relative size between the floor plans for each level is maintained, i.e. the level with the smallest footprint in the project will also have the smallest footprint when saved/printed.
  • Letterhead: Combined - available for multi-level projects; all levels are saved/printed in one file.
    • Example: If you have a project with two floors and you choose Letterhead Combined, you will receive one page with two floor plans printed on it. 


If you want to save your floor plans to a certain scale, use one Letterhead options that offer a specific Scale. For example, choose Scale (1:100) if you want each meter in the project to be represented as a centimeter on the page. 

The scale options are only available in PDF format and when choosing Save to Disk. Note that the scale options are not available on tablets.

If you see Invalid Paper Size as file name, then the scale you have chosen doesn't fit on the paper size. Try to use a larger paper size and/or different scale.

Once you have saved your scaled floor plan to your computer or Mac, you can print the PDF. Please note that you need to choose Actual size in your printer options to get the correct scaling. If you do not choose this option, your printer will calculate the scaling size wrong because of the predefined page margins.
Learn more here: I Printed My Floor Plan but It's Not to Scale

Web Image

Choose a Web Image format if you want to export just the floor plan image, with no logo or surrounding text. The file format for the web image is JPG. 

  • Web Image Full Size - The floor plans is downloaded in no specific scale and without a logo.
  • Web Image 800x600
  • Web Image 600x450
  • Web Image 400x300

Paper Size

The following options for paper size are available:

Papersize In Inches In Metrics
A2* 16.5 in x 23.4 in 420 mm x 594 mm
A3* 11.7 in x 16.5 in 297 mm x 420 mm
A4 8-1/4 in x 11-3/4 in 210 mm x 297 mm
Legal 8.5 in x 14 in 215.9 mm x 355.6 mm
Letter 8.5 in by 11 in 215.9 mm by 279.4 mm
Tabloid (Ledger)* 11 in x 17 in 279 mm × 432 mm

*These options are only available for Save to Disk.


Additionally, you can also choose your preferred paper orientation, Portrait or Landscape.

Portrait Landscape
Default Guideline - black_white - Standard - 2D Floor Plan (1).jpg Default Guideline - black_white - Standard - 2D Floor Plan.jpg


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