Hotkeys and Keyboard Shortcuts

The RoomSketcher App has many hotkeys and keyboard shortcuts you can use to speed up your work. This article contains the following topics:


Windows Hotkeys and Keyboard Shortcuts

These hotkeys and keyboard shortcuts are for Windows computers.

 Press  To Do This
 1  Switch to Walls mode
 2  Switch to Windows mode
 3  Switch to Materials mode
 4  Switch to Furniture mode
 W  Draw Interior wall (thin wall) - Walls mode
 E  Draw Exterior wall (thick wall) - Walls mode
 D  Draw Divider Line - Walls mode
 S  Switch to Select - Walls mode
 C  Make wall or divider Curved - Walls mode
 +  Thicker wall while drawing - Walls mode
 -  Thinner wall while drawing - Walls mode
 Ctrl  Turn snapping off
 Ctrl+C  Copy
 Ctrl+V  Paste
 Ctrl+Z  Undo
 Ctrl+Y  Redo
 Ctrl+S  Save
 Ctrl+N  New Project
 Ctrl+L  New Level
 Ctrl+O  Open Project
 Ctrl+M  Open Media Gallery
 Ctrl+W  Best Fit Width 
 Ctrl+D  Best Fit Depth 
 Ctrl+A  Toggle Always Show Furniture On or Off
 Ctrl+F  Display Search popup to search
 Ctrl+T  Display Settings
 Ctrl+2  Preview 2D Floor Plans
 Ctrl+3  Preview 3D Floor Plans
 Delete  Delete selected element
 Arrow  Move selected item or wall while drawing
 Shift+Arrow  Move selected item or wall in larger steps
 Ctrl+Arrow  Rotate selected item or object
 Shift+Ctrl+Arrow  Rotate selected item in larger steps
 Q  Rotate item clockwise 90 degrees. Flip door or window.
 A  Show both floor plan and blueprint - Blueprint mode
 B  Show only blueprint - Blueprint mode
 F  Show only floor plan - Blueprint mode
 R  Show Select Zone Name list 
 Alt+F4  Close the RoomSketcher App

Mac Hotkeys and Keyboard Shortcuts

These hotkeys and keyboard shortcuts are for Mac computers. The RoomSketcher App supports the standard Command+Key in addition to Ctrl+Key for most of the hotkeys below, except where noted.

 Press  To Do This
 1  Switch to Walls mode
 2  Switch to Windows mode
 3  Switch to Materials mode
 4  Switch to Furniture mode
 W  Draw Interior wall (thin wall) - Walls mode
 E  Draw Exterior wall (thick wall) - Walls mode
 D  Draw Divider Line - Walls mode
 S  Switch to Select - Walls mode
 C Make wall or divider Curved - Walls mode
 + Thicker wall while drawing - Walls mode
 - Thinner wall while drawing - Walls mode
 Cmd  Turn snapping off
 Cmd+C  Copy
 Cmd+V  Paste
 Cmd+Z  Undo
 Cmd+Y (or Cmd+Shift+Z)  Redo
 Cmd+S  Save
 Cmd+N  New Project
 Cmd+L  New Level
 Cmd+O  Open Project
 Cmd+M  Open Media Gallery
 Ctrl+W (not Cmd+W)  Best Fit Width 
 Ctrl+D  (not Cmd+D)  Best Fit Depth 
 Cmd+A  Toggle Always Show Furniture On or Off
 Cmd+F  Display Search popup to search
 Cmd+T  Display Settings
 Cmd+2  Preview 2D Floor Plans
 Cmd+3  Preview 3D Floor Plans
 fn+backspace  Delete selected element
 Arrow  Move selected item or wall while drawing
 Shift+Arrow  Move selected item or wall in larger steps
 Cmd+Arrow  Rotate selected item or object
 Shift+Cmd+Arrow  Rotate selected item in larger steps
 Q  Rotate item clockwise 90 degrees. Flip door or window.
 A  Show both floor plan and blueprint - Blueprint mode
 B  Show only blueprint - Blueprint mode
 F  Show only the floor plan - Blueprint mode
 R  Show Select Zone Name list 
 Cmd+Q  Close the RoomSketcher App


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