Draw a Balcony or Deck with Optional Railing

Learn how to draw balconies, porches, and decks.

Watch the video or follow the steps below.

This article describes the steps when using the RoomSketcher App on a computer or tablet, and covers:

Draw a Balcony, Deck or Porch

  1. In the RoomSketcher App, open Walls mode.
  2. Click Draw Divider Lines  on the right side, and then click and drag to draw the outline of the balcony, deck, porch, or terrace.


Add Railings (Optional)

If the balcony will have railings, add them now:

  1. In Walls mode, click Select  and click one of the divider lines that will be a railing (to select it).
  2. The Properties appear on the right. Click Railing.

  3. The Select Railing page appears. Click a railing style and then click Apply.

  4. Repeat steps 1 - 3 for each railing.

Remove the Ceiling (Optional)

If the balcony will be open to the sky (with no ceiling), toggle the Show Ceiling option to OFF.

  1. In Walls mode, click the + tab  in the upper right to return to the Wall drawing objects.
  2. Click Select  and then click on the balcony to select it.
  3. On the right, click Advanced Properties.
  4. Clear Show Ceiling.


Add Flooring

Next, add the balcony flooring - often concrete, wood, or stone.

  1. Click the red Mode button and switch to Materials mode.
  2. Click the balcony to select it and click Floor Material on the right.
  3. Choose a floor material (tip: you can search for “concrete”, “wood”, or “stone”) and click Apply.

  4. When you are done, use the camera and take a snapshot to see your results and fine-tune your balcony. Then switch to Furniture mode and if desired, finish your design with outdoor furniture and plants.

Related Articles

Floor Plan Examples with Balconies from the Floor Plan Gallery


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