Move a Project between Accounts

Do you have a project in one RoomSketcher Account, and want to move it to another? For example, you have a project in your Free subscription, and you want to move it to your Pro subscription account. This article describes the steps on a PC or Mac.

First, open the Project Presentation page

  1. Sign In to with the account that contains the project you want to move. 
  2. Click the Projects tab in the top middle, then open the project you want to move. 
  3. On the left-hand side, click Share.
  4. Under Share Project in the middle, click Enable Sharing


  5. Then, click View Project Presentation


Second, open your RoomSketcher App and save the project

  1. Sign in to the RoomSketcher App with your second account - the account where you want to move the project to. 
  2. Back in your browser on the Project Presentation page, click Open in App. The project opens in the RoomSketcher App. 


  3. In the RoomSketcher App, choose Make a Copy from the main menu.  


    The project is now saved to your second account. 

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