This article explains how to download and install the RoomSketcher App:
Download and Install the App on Your Mac
- Download the latest version of the RoomSketcher App directly from this link.
- Once the download has completed, open the RoomSketcherSetup.dmg file (it may already open by itself).
- A Finder window opens, containing the RoomSketcher application.
Drag the RoomSketcher icon on top of the Applications folder in order to copy it there.
Complete the steps above before starting RoomSketcher.
Do not double click on the RoomSketcher.dmg file to run it. This can result in issues such as lost data.
Download and Install the App on Your Windows PC
- Download the latest version of the RoomSketcher App directly from this link.
- Once the download has completed, double click on the downloaded RoomSketcherSetup.exe file (it usually goes into your Downloads folder, unless you have specified a different location for your downloads).
- The RoomSketcher Setup Wizard opens.
- Click Next and follow the steps in the Wizard.
Download the RoomSketcher App on your iPad from the App Store.
Android Tablet
Download the RoomSketcher App on your Android tablet from Google Play.
The RoomSketcher App is not supported on Chromebooks or Linux devices. You download and install the RoomSketcher App on Mac and Windows computers, as well as iPads and Android tablets.
The RoomSketcher App is not available on phones.
Although you can't draw on your phone, there are still many things you can do from your phone. Sign in to your Web Account in your browser to
- see all your projects
- generate your floor plans
- view your floor plans
- download your floor plans
- order floor plans
Next Steps
- Open the RoomSketcher App on your PC, Mac or tablet (it may have already opened itself after the installation).
- Draw your first floor plan – to see how, watch this short video:
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