How do I Copy and Paste Furniture, Doors, Windows or Stairs?

It's easy to copy and paste an item in the RoomSketcher App. Simply follow these four steps:

  1. Select the item you want to copy.
  2. Click on the mceclip0.png copy symbol in the top menu - or press CTRL/CMD + C on your keyboard.
  3. Click on the mceclip1.png insert symbol in the top menu - or press CTRL/CMD + V on your keyboard. 
  4. Your copied item will appear in the middle of your project. Select and drag it to your preferred place.

    copy and paste.jpg



  • Windows and doors: Once you have pasted a window or door, drag it onto a wall - if you don't place it on a wall, it will disappear again.
  • If you have resized or replaced materials on the item, the copied item will have the exact same properties.  

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